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The Longfin Calico Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistrus sp. Calico Longfin) is a popular freshwater aquarium species, known for its unique appearance, algae-eating abilities, and peaceful temperament. Native to South America, this bristlenose variety is highly valued in the aquarium hobby for helping to maintain a clean environment.


This species has a distinctive marbled or calico pattern, which combines shades of orange, black, and brown. Its most notable feature is the long, flowing fins, making it stand out in a tank. Males typically have more pronounced bristles on their snouts compared to females.

Aquarium Care:

Bristlenose catfish are peaceful fish that prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves and driftwood. Males may become territorial if space is limited, especially if there are multiple males in the tank. The presence of driftwood is essential as it provides microflora and microfauna that they enjoy snacking on.


While they primarily consume algae, it is important to supplement their diet with algae wafers, vegetables (like zucchini, spinach, and cucumber), and sinking pellets. Driftwood in the aquarium provides additional sustenance by fostering the growth of biofilm.

Tank Mates:

Longfin Calico Bristlenose Catfish are compatible with a wide variety of peaceful tropical fish. They will coexist well with most community fish as long as the tank's water parameters are suitable for all species involved.


Bristlenose catfish are egg layers, typically spawning in secluded areas like caves. Males will guard the eggs until they hatch. Providing plenty of hiding spots will encourage successful breeding.


Species Overview:

  • Species: Ancistrus sp. Calico Longfin
  • Common Name: Longfin Marbled Bristlenose, Longfin Calico Bristlenose
  • Origin: South America
  • Diet: Herbivore
  • pH Range: 6.5 – 7.8
  • Temperature: Tropical 26°C – 28°C
  • Breed Type: Egg Layer
  • Max Size: Approximately 15 cm
  • Sex: Un-sexed

Longfin Calico Bristlenose

AU$43.00 Regular Price
AU$38.70Sale Price
Only 4 left in stock
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