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Albino Long Fin Bristlenose Catfish Overview

Species: Ancistrus sp. Albino Long Fin
Common Name: Albino Long Fin Bristlenose Catfish
Origin: South America


  • Albino with long fins, these catfish are visually striking and add interest to any aquarium.


  • Herbivore. Primarily eats algae but benefits greatly from algae wafers and driftwood.

Water Type:

  • Hard
  • Temperature Range: 26°C – 28°C


  • Peaceful and non-aggressive, though male Bristlenose can be territorial with other males if space is limited.

Tank Compatibility:

  • Suitable to live with most kinds of fish, but water parameters should be considered for tank mates.


  • Egg layer


  • Current Size: Approximately 4-5cm
  • Max Size: Approximately 15 cm


  • Un-sexed


  • Excellent algae eater, helps keep the tank clean. A valuable addition to most tropical freshwater aquariums.

Longfin Albino Bristlenose

AU$40.00 Regular Price
AU$36.00Sale Price
Only 1 left in stock
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