Rotkeil Red Shoulder Severum Cichlid
The Rotkeil Red Shoulder Severum is a captivating species found exclusively in parts of the Amazon basin near Iquitos, northern Peru. In its natural habitat, it thrives in slow-moving river sections abundant with marginal vegetation and submerged tree roots. When kept in an aquarium, they require ample space, a soft sand substrate, and plenty of hiding spots created with driftwood, rocky caves, and robust plants like Java Fern or Anubias sp. tied to the decor. While efficient filtration is essential, water movement should not be too vigorous, and regular small water changes help maintain low nitrate levels.
Despite their size, Rotkeil Red Shoulder Severums are relatively easy-going cichlids and can coexist peacefully with other fish of similar size and temperament. They can be kept in pairs or groups, although pairs may become more aggressive towards other fish if they choose to spawn. However, in very spacious aquariums, this aggression is typically manageable. Over time, these fish often develop a recognition of their owners and may eagerly greet them at the glass or wait for food.
As omnivores, Rotkeil Red Shoulder Severums readily accept a variety of aquarium foods. It's essential to offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality carnivore and herbivore flakes, sinking pellets or sticks, along with a mix of frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, Mysis, krill, and chopped prawns. However, soft-leaved plants should be avoided in the aquarium as these fish will avidly consume them.
Species: Heros efasciatus sp. Rotkeil Red Shoulder
Common Name: Rotkeil Red Shoulder Severum Cichlid
Origin: South America; Amazon basin near Iquitos, northern Peru
Diet: Omnivore
pH Range: 6 - 7
Temperature: Tropical, 24–28°C
Breed Type: Egg layer
Current Size: Approximately 5cm (Grows to approximately 20cm)
Sex: Unsexed
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