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Sunset Dwarf Rainbow (Melanotaenia parva)


The Sunset Dwarf Rainbow is a stunning and hardy fish, known for its vibrant red-orange coloration and ease of care. These fish are native to Lake Kurumoi in New Guinea and are a favorite among aquarists for their beauty and active behavior.



Males exhibit a striking red-orange body with a dark blue patch behind the pectoral fins, while females are less colorful but still attractive. Despite their "dwarf" label, they can grow up to 4–5 inches (approximately 12 cm).


Habitat and Water Parameters:

Sunset Dwarf Rainbows thrive in clean, well-maintained aquariums with stable water conditions. While they tolerate a wide range of parameters, frequent water changes are crucial for optimal health and coloration.

  • pH Range: 5.8 – 9.0
  • Temperature: 11°C – 34°C (ideal range for tropical aquariums: 24°C – 28°C)
  • Water Type: Freshwater



These fish are peaceful and active, making them ideal for community tanks. Males often display their most vibrant colors during the early morning, especially when courting females. Keeping more females than males is recommended to reduce aggression and ensure harmonious displays.



Sunset Dwarf Rainbows are omnivorous and thrive on a varied diet. Offer high-quality flake food supplemented with live or frozen proteins such as baby brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to enhance their coloration and overall health.



This species is an egg scatterer, depositing eggs in weedy or plant-filled areas. In captivity, spawning can be encouraged using yarn mops to mimic their natural environment. Eggs typically hatch within 7–10 days. To maximize fry survival, eggs should be transferred to a separate tank to prevent predation.


Tank Setup:

  • Size: A minimum tank size of 75 liters is recommended for a small group.
  • Decor: Provide plenty of plants and open swimming space. Use dim lighting to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Tankmates: Peaceful community fish are ideal. Avoid fin-nipping species or overly aggressive tankmates.


Species Overview:

  • Species: Melanotaenia parva
  • Common Name: Sunset Dwarf Rainbow
  • Origin: Lake Kurumoi, New Guinea
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • pH Range: 5.8 – 9.0
  • Temperature: 11°C – 34°C
  • Breed Type: Egg Scatterer
  • Maximum Size: Approximately 12 cm
  • Sex: Un-sexed

Sunset Dwarf Rainbow (Melanotaenia parva)

AU$25.00 Regular Price
AU$22.50Sale Price
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